Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Former Egyptian General Calls Promise of Free Elections a ‘Farce’ -

Not at all reassuring.

Gaza: les groupes palestiniens annoncent une trêve avec Israël - Le Nouvel Observateur

This does not move us in the right direction.

Le plan Très haut débit, l'autre bras de fer entre Bouygues et Numericable

And in the rest of the Mediterranean?

Protests in Istanbul - Video -

Quite scary.

Egypt’s Jokers Won’t Be Gagged -

Lets hope they are not gagged!

Le Conseil constitutionnel retient Bouteflika et six lièvres | Actualité

This is going to be quite a fight.

Journalist Matthew Power Dies On Assignment At Age 39 : NPR

That's really sad.

"House of Cards" de retour jeudi soir: l'atout maître du thriller politique | Dernière minute | Nice-Matin

Elsewhere around the Mediterranean?

La Provence lance une web TV et s’offre une star à peu de frais

On verra.

Israel fires on 29 'terror sites' after rockets from Gaza hit towns -

Tits for tats is a dangerous business.

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Saturday, March 01, 2014

A Bastion for Israel, Seething Inside -

For those interested, perhaps interesting.

Après Twitter, le pape François arrive sur Facebook - Grazia

Has anyone put together a directory of all the leaders of Mediterranean countries with their Twitter, Facebook, website, etc. references?

Algérie: la police disperse une manifestation contre Bouteflika - Le Point

Not good.